
Catalogue Number Copper Conductor Range Installation Tooling
Run (mm2) Tap (mm2) Y35/Y750 Die Y46 Die*
YGHP2C2 10-35 10-35 U-0 U-0
YGHP29C2 50-120 (13-15mm rod) 16-35 Y997 U997
YGHP29C26 50-120 (13-15mm rod) 50-70 U997 U997
YGHP29C29 50-120 (13-15mm rod) 95-120 U997 U997
YGHP34C2 150-240 (16-19mm rod) 16-35 PU998 PU998 or P998
YGHP34C26 150-240 (16-19mm rod) 50-70 PU998 PU998 or P998
YGHP34C29 150-240 (16-19mm rod) 95-120 PU998 PU998 or P998
YGHP34C34 150-240 (16-19mm rod) 150-240 U1011 or P1011

* P-UADP adaptor to be used in Y46 Head to accept U or PU dies.